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sábado, 18 de junio de 2016

Parts Of Speech

Part of Speech

In the English language, words can be considered as the smallest elements that have distinctive meanings. Based on their use and functions, words are categorized into several types or parts of speech. This article will offer definitions and examples for the 8 major parts of speech in English grammar: 

1. Noun

This part of a speech refers to words that are used to name persons, things, animals, places, ideas, or events. Nouns are the simplest among the 8 parts of speech, which is why they are the first ones taught to students in primary school.
  • Tom Hanks is very versatile.
  • The italicized noun refers to a name of a person.
  • Dogs can be extremely cute.
  • In this example, the italicized word is considered a noun because it names an animal.
  • It is my birthday.
  • The word “birthday” is a noun which refers to an event.
There are different types of nouns namely:
  • Proper– proper nouns always start with a capital letter and refers to specific names of persons, places, or things.
  • Examples: Volkswagen Beetle, Shakey’s Pizza, Game of Thrones
  • Common– common nouns are the opposite of proper nouns. These are just generic names of persons, things, or places.
  • Examples: car, pizza parlor, TV series
  • Concrete– this kind refers to nouns which you can perceive through your five senses.
  • Examples: folder, sand, board
  • Abstract- unlike concrete nouns, abstract nouns are those which you can’t perceive through your five senses.
  • Examples: happiness, grudge, bravery
  • Count– it refers to anything that is countable, and has a singular and plural form.
  • Examples:  kitten, video, ball
  • Mass– this is the opposite of count nouns. Mass nouns are also called non-countable nouns, and they need to have “counters” to quantify them.
  • Examples of Counters: kilo, cup, meter
  • Examples of Mass Nouns: rice, flour, garter
  • Collective– refers to a group of persons, animals, or things.
  • Example: faculty (group of teachers), class (group of students), pride (group of lions)

2. Pronoun

A pronoun is a part of a speech which functions as a replacement for a noun. Some examples of pronouns are: Iit, he, she, mine, his, hers, we, they, theirs, and ours.
Sample Sentences:
  • Janice is a very stubborn child. She just stared at me and when I told her to stop.
  • The largest slice is mine.
  • We are number one.
The italicized words in the sentences above are the pronouns in the sentence.

3.  Adjective

This part of  a speech is used to describe a noun or a pronoun. Adjectives can specify the quality, the size, and the number of nouns or pronouns.
Sample Sentences:
  • The carvings are intricate.
  • The italicized word describes the appearance of the noun “carvings.”
  • I have two hamsters.
  • The italicized word “two,” is an adjective which describes the number of the noun “hamsters.”
  • Wow! That doughnut is huge!
  • The italicized word is an adjective which describes the size of the noun “doughnut.”

4. Verb

This is the most important part of a speech, for without a verb, a sentence would not exist. Simply put, this is a word that shows an action (physical or mental) or state of being of the subject in a sentence.
Examples of “State of Being Verbs” : amiswasare, and were
Sample Sentences:
  • As usual, the Stormtroopers missed their shot.
  • The italicized word expresses the action of the subject “Stormtroopers.”
  • They are always prepared in emergencies.
  • The verb “are” refers to the state of being of the pronoun “they,” which is the subject in the sentence.

5. Adverb

Just like adjectives, adverbs are also used to describe words, but the difference is that adverbs describe adjectives, verbs, or another adverb.
The different types of adverbs are:
  • Adverb of Manner– this refers to how something happens or how an action is done.
  • Example: Annie danced gracefully.
  • The word “gracefully” tells how Annie danced.
  • Adverb of Time- this states “when” something happens or “when” it is done.
  • Example: She came yesterday.
  • The italicized word tells when she “came.”
  • Adverb of Place– this tells something about “where” something happens or ”where” something is done.
  • Example:  Of course, I looked everywhere!
  • The adverb “everywhere” tells where I “looked.”
  • Adverb of Degree– this states the intensity or the degree to which a specific thing happens or is done.
  • Example: The child is very talented.
  • The italicized adverb answers the question, “To what degree is the child talented?”

6. Preposition

This part of a speech basically refers to words that specify location or a location in time.
Examples of Prepositions: above, below, throughout, outside, before, near, and since
Sample Sentences:
  • Micah is hiding under the bed.
  • The italicized preposition introduces the prepositional phrase “under the bed,” and tells where Micah is hiding.
  • During the game, the audience never stopped cheering for their team.
  • The italicized preposition introduces the prepositional phrase “during the game,” and tells when the audience cheered.

7. Conjunction

The conjunction is a part of a speech which joins words, phrases, or clauses together.
Examples of Conjunctions:  and, yet, but, for, nor, or, and so
Sample Sentences:
  • This cup of tea is delicious and very soothing.
  • Kiyoko has to start all over again because she didn’t follow the professor’s instructions.
  • Homer always wanted to join the play, but he didn’t have the guts to audition.
The italicized words in the sentences above are some examples of conjunctions.

8. Interjection

This part of a speech refers to words which express emotions. Since interjections are commonly used to convey strong emotions, they are usually followed by an exclamation point.
Examples of Interjections:

Sample Sentences:
  • Ouch! That must have hurt.
  • Hurray, we won!
  • Hey! I said enough!
The bold words attached to the main sentences above are some examples of interjections.

9. Article

An article is a kind of adjective which is always used with and gives some information about a noun.  There are only two articles a and the, but they are used very often and are important for using English accurately.

The word a (which becomes an when the next word begins with a vowel - a, e, i, o, u) is called the indefinite article because the noun it goes with is indefinite or general.  The meaning of the article a is similar to the number one, but one is stronger and gives more emphasis.  It is possible to say I have a book or I have one book, but the second sentence emphasizes that I do not have two or three or some other number of books.

The word the is known as the definite article and indicates a specific thing.  The difference between the sentences I sat on a chair and I sat on the chair is that the second sentence refers to a particular, specific chair, not just any chair.

Many nouns, especially singular forms of countable nouns which you will learn about later, must have an article.  In English, it is not possible to say I sat on chair without an article, but  a demonstrative or possessive adjective can be used instead of an article as in the sentences I sat on that chair and I sat on his chair.

Whenever you see an article, you will find a noun with it.  The noun may be the next word as inthe man or there may be adjectives and perhaps adverbs between the article and the noun as in the very angry, young man.

What Part of Speech is “WHAT”

In English texts and verbal communication, the word what also have various functions. It can be used as a adjective, an adverb, a pronoun, or an interjection.
  1. Adjective
This word is commonly classified as an adjective if it is used to introduce a noun or a noun phrase. In the sample sentence below:
What time is it?
The word “what” introduces the noun “time,” and is therefore considere d as a adjective.
a. asking for information specifying something
  • Example:
  • What books did you buy?
  1. Adverb
In some cases, the word “what” is considered as an adverb if it modifies a verb. For instance, in the sample sentence below:
What does he care?
The word “what” functions as an adverb because it modifies the verb “care.”
a. in what way
  • Example:
  • What does it matter?

  1. Pronoun
The word “what” is also normally categorized as a pronoun if it is used for asking questions about something or if it is used to substitute a noun. For example, in the sentence below:
What we need is commitment.
This “what” word is classified under pronouns because it replaces a thing or a noun.
a. asking for information specifying something
  • Example:
  • What is beauty?
b. used to describe a question
  • Example:
  • What is this?
c. the thing or things that (used in specifying something)
  • Example:
  • I want to do what I can to make a difference.

  1. Interjection
Other times, this word is classified under interjections because it can be used to express sudden emotions. Take for example, the sentence:
What a suggestion!
In this sample sentence, the word “what” is used to exclaim and express a burst of emotion regarding the noun “suggestion.”
a. emphasizing something surprising or remarkable
  • Example:
  • What a charming lady!

What Part of Speech is “WHICH”

Just like a lot of words in the English language, this word has a double purpose. It can either be used as an adjective or as a pronoun.
  1. Adjective
This word is considered as an adjective when it is used to modify a noun. It can either indicate what particular one or it can also mean “whichever.” For example, in the sentence below:
I’m still deciding on which coat should I wear.
The word “which” is an adjective that modifies the noun “coat,” and is thus considered as an adjective.
a. what one or ones of a group
  • Example:
  • She kept an organized record of which employees took their vacations.
b. whichever
  • Example:
    Turn it which way you like.
   2.    Pronoun
This word can also act as a pronoun when it is used to refer to something that has already been mentioned. It is commonly used at the beginning of the clause that provides further details about the noun. In the example below:
The crocodile which weighs over 2000 pounds was captured.
The word “which” is a pronoun that refers to the mentioned noun “crocodile.”
a. used referring to something previously mentioned when introducing a clause giving further information
  • Example:
  • The computer which keeps breaking down was finally replaced with a new one.



miércoles, 1 de junio de 2016

Sequence Adverbs

Secuence Adverbs (Adverbios de sequencia)

Sequence adverbs are used to help describe a progression of events. Often used in recipes or instructions, sequence adverbs such as “first,” “then,” “next,” “after that,” and “finally” contain information about the order of actions and create natural transitions in writing. In this lesson from English teacher Joe Saenz, practice describing recipes in English using sequence adverbs. This lesson includes an English oral comprehension exercise.


viernes, 27 de mayo de 2016

Skimming, Scanning, Intensive, Predicting

What is Skimming?

Are a specific speed-reading technique, which enable you to cover a vast amount of material very rapidly. Is a method of rapidly moving the eyes over text with the porpouse of getting only the main ideas and a general overviwe of the content.

Skimming is useful in tree diferent situations:
  • Pre-reading: Skimming is more thorough than simple previewing and can give a more accurate picture of text to be read later.
  • Reviewing-Skimming:  Is useful for reviewing text already right.
  • Reading-Skimming: Is most often used for quickly reading material that, for any number of reasons, does not need more detailed attention.

Steps ins Skimming and article:

  • Read the title: It is the shortest possible summary of the content.
  • Read the introduction or lead: In paragraph.
  • Read the first paragraph completly.
  • If there are subheadings, read each one, looking for retationships among them.
  • Read the first sentence of each remmaining paragraph

    1. The main idea of most paragraph appears in the first sentence.
    2. if the author's pattern is to begin with a question or anecdote, you may find the last sentence more valuable.
  • Dip into the text lookinf for:
  • clue words that answer who, what, when, why, how.
  • Proper nouns.
  • Unusual words, especially if capitallized.
  • Enumerations.
  • Qualifying adjectives (best, worst, most, etc.).
Skimming a text using first lines of paragraphs.

In most academic writing, the paragraph is a coherent unit, about one topic, connected to the previous and next paragraphs. Paragraphs are organised internally and the first sentence of each paragraph is often a summary of, or an introduction to, the paragraph. You can therefore get a good idea of the overall content of a text by reading the first sentence of each paragraph. This should help you get a feeling for the structure of the text. In many cases that will be enough, but if it isn't, you will now have a good idea of the structure of the text and you will find it easier to read in detail. Familiar texts are easier to read.

Skimming a text using first and last paragraphs.

In most academic writing, the text is organised clearly with an introduction and a conclusion. The introduction gives you an idea of what the text is going to be about and the conclusion shows that this is what it has been about. You can therefore get a good idea of the overall content of a text by reading the first and last paragraphs of a text. This should help you get a feeling for the content of the text. In many cases that will be enough, but if it isn't, you will now have a good idea of the content of the text and you will find it easier to read in detail. Familiar texts are easier to read.

Skimming a text, using section headings.

In some academic writing, the text is organised through the use of headings and sub-headings. You can therefore get a good idea of the overall content of a text by reading the headings and sub-headings first. This should help you get a feeling for the content and organisation of the text. In many cases that will be enough, but if it isn't, you will now have a good idea of the content of the text and you will find it easier to read in detail. Familiar texts are easier to read.

As reading is an interactive process, you have to work at constructing the meaning of the text from the marks on the paper. You need to be active all the time when you are reading. It is useful, therefore, before you start reading to activate the knowledge you have about the topic of the text and to formulate questions based on this information. The title, sub-titles and section headings can help you formulate questions to keep you interacting with the text.

What Is Scanning?
Scanning is another useful tool for speeding up your reading. Unlike skimming, when scanning, you look only for a specific fact or piece of information without reading everything. You scan when you look for your favorite show listed in the cable guide, for your friend’s phone number in a telephone book, and for the sports scores in the newspaper.
When scanning, look for the author's use of organizers such as numbers, letters, steps, or the words, first, second, or next. Look for words that are bold faced, italics, or in a different font size, style, or color. Sometimes the author will put key ideas in the margin.
How to scan.  Because you already scan many different types of material in your daily life, learning more details about scanning will be easy. Establishing your purpose, locating the appropriate material, and knowing how the information is structured before you start scanning is essential.

Intensive Reading

What it is?

  • Brown (1989) explains that intensive reading "calls attention to grammatical forms, discourse markers, and other surface structure details for the purpose of understanding literal meaning, implications, rhetorical relationships, and the like." He draws an analogy to intensive reading as a "zoom lens" strategy . 
  • Long and Richards (1987) say it is a "detailed in-class" analysis, led by the teacher, of vocabulary and grammar points, in a short passage."
  • Intensive Reading,  sometimes called "Narrow Reading",  may  involve students reading selections by the same author or several texts about the same topic. When this occurs, content and grammatical structures repeat themselves and students get  many opportunities to understand the meanings of the text. The success of  "Narrow Reading" on improving reading comprehension is based on the premise that the more familiar the reader is with the text, either due to the subject matter or having read other works by the same author, the more comprehension is promoted.

When it is used?

  • when the objective of reading is to achieve full understanding of: 
           - logical argument 
           - rhetorical pattern of text 
           - emotional, symbolic or social attitudes and purposes of the author 
           - linguistic means to an end
  •  for study of content material that are difficult 


What Is It?

Effective readers use pictures, titles, headings, and text—as well as personal experiences—to make predictions before they begin to read. Predicting involves thinking ahead while reading and anticipating information and events in the text. After making predictions, students can read through the text and refine, revise, and verify their predictions.

Why Is It Important?
Making predictions activates students' prior knowledge about the text and helps them make connections between new information and what they already know. By making predictions about the text before, during, and after reading, students use what they already know—as well as what they suppose might happen—to make connections to the text.


  • Think aloud before reading a book to students, modeling the process of predicting before reading. "I found an interesting book at the library and by looking at the cover I am guessing or predicting the story will be about _____ and _______. When we use what we know to make a guess before we read it is called 'predicting.'"
  • Think aloud while reading a book to students, modeling the process of predicting while reading. "Hmmm… my prediction that the story would be about ____ was right, but I did not think that ____ would happen. I'll make a new prediction that _____ will happen based on what we read."
  • Think aloud after reading, modeling the process of reflecting on predictions after reading. "My first prediction was _____. After reading part of the story I predicted _____. Now that I am finished reading I think my predictions were close/not close to what really happened because_____."